
Using techniques like manipulation and muscle release, physiotherapy works to help you improve the way your body moves and functions, lessening pain and discomfort from injury, sport and everyday activities. The treatments we use have been scientifically validated to help a range of problems from spinal pain and injury, to enhancement of sporting performance.

When you come to physiotherapy for the first session, we do a comprehensive assessment to determine the cause of your problem and begin a ‘hands on’ treatment regime to address the underlying cause. Problems often begin gradually and to prevent them from recurring we need to fully understand your body and the stresses and strains that you go through.

Most sessions you have will be varied, as the effect of each treatment is continually assessed. We explore the techniques and therapies which work best for you as we have found that people often improve faster when we use a variety of techniques and in some cases a range of services.

Expert physiotherapy promotes, maintains and aims to restore your physical, psychological and emotional health, showing you what you can do to keep healthy, helping you to feel as if you could conquer the world!